Are you looking for a credit card that offers more than just a line of credit? A Best rewards credit cards might be just what you need. With a rewards credit card, you can earn points, miles, or cash back on your everyday purchases. These rewards can then be redeemed for travel, merchandise, statement credits, and more.
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What to Look for in a Best Rewards Credit Cards
When choosing a rewards credit card, there are several factors to consider. First and foremost, you’ll want to look at the rewards program itself. How do you earn rewards? How many points or miles do you earn per dollar spent? What can you redeem your rewards for?
Another important factor to consider is the annual fee. Some rewards credit cards come with high annual fees, which can eat into the value of the rewards you earn. Make sure to weigh the cost of the annual fee against the value of the rewards you expect to earn.
You’ll also want to look at the interest rate and any other fees associated with the card. If you carry a balance from month to month, a high interest rate can quickly negate any rewards you earn.
Top Best Rewards Credit Cards
There are many great rewards credit cards on the market today. Here are some of our top picks:
Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card: This card offers 2X points on travel and dining at restaurants worldwide, plus 1 point per dollar spent on all other purchases. Points can be redeemed for travel through Chase Ultimate Rewards®, or transferred to airline and hotel partners. The card has a $95 annual fee.
Capital One® Venture® Rewards Credit Card: With this card, you’ll earn 2X miles on every purchase, every day. Miles can be redeemed for travel, cash back, gift cards, and more. The card has a $95 annual fee.
Citi® Double Cash Card: This card offers 1% cash back on all purchases, plus an additional 1% cash back when you pay off your balance. There is no annual fee.
Comparative table
Credit Card | Rewards | Annual Fee |
Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card | 2X points on travel and dining at restaurants worldwide, plus 1 point per dollar spent on all other purchases. Points can be redeemed for travel through Chase Ultimate Rewards®, or transferred to airline and hotel partners. | $95 |
Capital One® Venture® Rewards Credit Card | 2X miles on every purchase, every day. Miles can be redeemed for travel, cash back, gift cards, and more. | $95 |
Citi® Double Cash Card | 1% cash back on all purchases, plus an additional 1% cash back when you pay off your balance. | No annual fee |
Frequently Asked Questions Best Rewards Credit Cards
How do I choose the best rewards credit card for me?
When choosing a rewards credit card, consider the rewards program, annual fee, interest rate, and other fees. Look for a card that offers rewards that align with your spending habits and has a reasonable annual fee.
Can I earn rewards on balance transfers or cash advances?
No, typically you cannot earn rewards on balance transfers or cash advances. Rewards are usually only earned on purchases.
Do rewards expire?
It depends on the card. Some rewards programs have expiration dates, while others do not. Be sure to read the terms and conditions of your card’s rewards program to find out if your rewards will expire.
In conclusion, a rewards credit card can be a great way to get more value from your credit card spending. By choosing a card with a strong rewards program and reasonable fees, you can maximize your earnings and enjoy great perks and benefits.